Monday, June 19, 2006

"How to Get the Guy" Drinking Game

There's a show on ABC called "How to Get the Guy." It follows four single women in San Francisco and with the help of two "Dating" coaches follow them on their quest for love. After watching the opening scene and learning that that there are a lot of gay men in San Francisco, and yes, there are a lot of gorgeous available women -- two factors which make dating tough for straight girls (tell me something I don't know), the roomies and I decided that we needed to make a drinking game out of it to get through the rest of the show, especially when they showed the caliber of single men available in the city.

So, it goes like this... if you recognize where they are filming and shout it out first, everyone else drinks. Union Square, Cody's Books, etc.

And then, if you can see said location from our window (view below) everyone drinks. Fun, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey hey the girl in the green shirt used to host While you Were Out. Woot. Yay for TLC.